I have always done the opposite of what I was trained to do... Having little technical background, I became a photographer. Adopting a machine, I do my utmost to make it malfunction. For me, to make a photograph is to make an anti-photograph.
William Klein

zaterdag 7 augustus 2021


 Last month Eastern-Belgium suffered a major flood. Now, several weeks later the whole region stil looks as a disaster area. People are still homeless, sme still have a house but no electricity or gas, some have to go to the service center every day, just to get a hot meal.

But, you can rent out a billboard to place your publicity...

Pepinster, 08/2021

zaterdag 13 februari 2021

bad omen

Original image by Nathalie Maddens, edited by me.

VĂ©zelay, 02/2021